Walmart Packs - 2Q21

KCC has them listed now. Word is out!

I like BK Curse 1 for spec. Professor Jacks first app. Probably be female co-star in the eventual Black Knight movie.

If anyone needs / wants any let me know. Hitting some non local Wally’s today

Takes time to read the forums and get caught up… :wink:

Didn’t find comic packs, but found this.

At first I thought it was Mando Boba…I don’t recall ROTJ Boba having this much “girth “…

Jet pack is pretty sweet.


He’s building bulk for his Mando showdown.

In all seriousness, this is probably the best 6 inch Boba Fett I’ve ever owned. I liked the MAFEX but it was expensive and the joints got pretty lose over time. This guy takes the cake with all his effects and accessories, though.

FYI, a little trick I learned in how to know when 3-packs might show up locally…o”Looking on eBay to determine where copies are showing up.

Seems like All the surrounding by states have listings…so next day or two I’m thinking around me.

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Every time I’ve been alerted to a new pack here on CHU, I go on a 10 minute drive to Walmart to check supply. Sometimes it takes a day or two, sometimes they’re already in stock.

Thanks CHU!

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CHU is not responsible for others actions on what they read here. :wink:

As expected…dropped Saturday morning. Got up at the ass-crack of dawn.

I got three other Walmart’s around me, but going to stop with this for now.

They were well hidden under a shelf behind a box of bic lighters…had to ask the guy at the counter to dig them out as I could just see them peaking out.

Another Walmart employee was telling me about Ollies and how they have lots of comics in packs cheap!

Nice guy.


I am going to run out soon. Wish me luck. My goal is to get at least 2 SW. Wookie even if I get one, you can have it. I am going to a few places. I will hit the Walmart stores along the way.

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Gotta coordinate who gets the extras for those willing to part with them. I know @CRUZZER is a bit hobbled at the moment and likely needs assistance.


Ok. I am not looking for anything in particular this time. Do you know what @CRUZZER is looking for?

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I sent him the High Republic #1…so I assume he’ll also be looking for issue #3.


Ok. I am about to leave. I see what I can find. There are 3 stores around me. I hope to get lucky at least one of them.

A couple people have me taken care of so I’m good. Thank you very much for thinking of me though.

Take care of @CRUZZER if you can.


Ok. I just found two. If Cruzzer needs it I will put it aside. Funny thing was they only had the 2 SW#3 and one Silk out.

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I think some employees must take one before getting set out…or maybe they aren’t able to fit three of every pack in the holder.

The store I found mine only had 2 ASM 62s but was not shrink wrapped either, which I think the holder would arrive at the store in shrink wrap or something to prevent them from falling out.

I know we’re kind of hyper focused on HR3, but if there are other books people are looking for and can’t get to a Walmart that sells them post your wish list here.

I can likely grab at least one of each over the next few days, so if someone like @SpideyHunter516 is interested in more it would be best if he is able to get them from one source for obvious reasons.

I’ll take the action to PM @SpideyHunter516, (kicking myself for not grabbing the xtra ASM62) but if are others looking for multiple packs please speak up.

Really wish I was at home. I always have good luck at the walmarts there. But here where I’m working at, they don’t carry them. Not even any cards at all.