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I never knew Squadron Supreme was Marvel’s Justice League. Weird way to explain that team.

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Disregard the click-bait headline. The actual article has some interesting info.

Damn it you saw this before me lol

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If you watched Wanda/Vision you’ll remember the head of the rotary club Dottie and her husband Phillip. Some rumors are circulating that Dottie is Clea (1st appearance Strange Tales #126). A new rumor going around is that Dottie is Moonglow from Squadron Supreme. Both Clea and Moonglow look a lot like the actress playing Dottie but in the comics Moonglow does have a husband named Phillip Jones. Moonglow first appears in Squadron Supreme #10 1986 found in dollar bins and for a dollar online. Strange Tales #126 will set you back a bit more but if Dottie is Clea it’s a old book and also first appearance of Dormmamu so could climb high quickly. Squadron Supreme first appears as Squadron Sinister in Avengers #69 in cameo, in full Avengers #70, as Squadron Supreme Avengers #85. One Wanda/Vision Easter Egg has already hinted to Squadron Sinister/Supreme Whizzer is a part of the Squadron.


Hence the link I posted on the Wandavision thread… :grinning:

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And now they’ve been merged… :slight_smile:

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Which raises a new question…Are all of the new characters in the show, superheroes ? (not counting Agatha Harkness)

Maybe… how else did the show turn from black and white to color without Doctor Spectrum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also Squadron Sinister’s base is a pocket dimension, one could say Wanda/Vision is taking place in a pocket dimension.

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Sort of hoping this does pan out. I feel like we discussed Squadron Supreme awhile back, and as I didn’t have much by way of them (and they were relatively cheap), I bought some beautiful copies of related keys.
I remember seeing them being solicited as appearing in the Taskmaster series way back last spring & also thought it interesting they were reappearing.
I would add Defenders #112 to your shopping list. Great early Squadron book with Scarlet Witch involved, their origin, parallel universe explained, etc. I’d also point out Thor 280 and 281 for great early Hyperion action and amazing covers.

Supreme Squadron in the MCU was rumored all the way back in march 2020… https://fullcirclecinema.com/2020/03/13/marvel-studios-developing-squadron-supreme/

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"Her roses bloom under penalty of death’ - Agnes discussing Dottie

“Dottie is the key to everything in this town” - Agnes, again, discussing Dottie

Neither of those lines of dialogue from the show indicate to me that Dottie is Clea, or Moonglow.
She is more sinister than either of those characters comic book iterations.

In the comics, Wanda uses slivers of Mephistos life essence to create Billy and Tommy.
Is it a coincidence that Wanda is pregnant shortly after Wanda meets Dottie for the first time, and where Dottie cuts her hand open (an opportunity to steal slivers of life essence?). Dottie is the Devil in the Details. Dottie is an incarnation of Mephisto.



You can always mouse over the scrub bar to check

Not when I’m watching it through my neighbours window :neutral_face:

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When you sit through 30 minutes of Wandavision waiting for anything to happen, but nothing happens (oh wait that lady got thrown into a field).

Years of academy training wasted.

Hot take, I know, but they really need to pull back the curtain on this one quick. The water cooler talk I’m hearing at work and from my wife is that people are booooooored.

I sat through every season of Lost and I’m not going through that again.


They are saying episode 4 is when the doors blow open. We shall see Friday.

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We get like an hour a day for tv in our schedule and it’s best if my wife and I agree on that programming. If it doesn’t happen episode 4, I may never see it.

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