We all hate store variants but

Is this a drunk wooky exclusive?

No. It’s from a store called Pink Ala Mode.

I thought the same thing at first.

Then found the site on instagram.

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Sold out in less than a minute…

I bought the bundle of 3. It was $33 and some change with tax and shipping.

Got there at five on the dot had it in my cart and before I could finish payment it was sold out. Pure garbage but very typical these days.


they didnt load 1500, only a few hundred. there p@d it

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Holy shit, those went fast!

i checked inventory at start, 60 3 packs and like 300 singles were uploaded


I was stuck battling my kids to get in the shower. Phone alarm
Didn’t go off. Realized at 8:09 est I was late to the party….

I guess I never stood much of a chance anyway.

So much for that. Wonder how many will now show up on Comic Mint and other stores for $30+.


thats my guess as well, they sold off a large portion of their stock to the usual suspects ahead of time


If you were able to finish the sale in about ten to fifteen seconds at five on the dot maybe you would have had a slim chance. A second longer than that, nope.

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First one up on eBay.


They did go up about 3-4 minutes before said time, so that may have made a difference…

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They sure did. I happened to check at a few minutes before 8pm EST and it let me order.

I figured they wouldn’t allow that and waited until 5. Sites like that really grind my gears.

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I was stuck in traffic during the sale. I had no chance at all.

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Sucks when real life/responsibilities get in the way of comic books.

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