We all hate store variants but

In for two!

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Me too.

Really pumping their WhatNot sales this week.

Their Facebook group hasn’t really had an update since March 1 when they said they were working on their restructuring plan as part of their bankruptcy so that they can stay in business. I don’t know why anyone would trust them.


They are literally on whatnot doing sales everyday all day, in not exaggerating. I see their streams everyday on there.

They are selling off the inventory they have in stock (probably should be sent to the customers who already purchased) in hopes of paying back their major creditors in order to start the process all over again.


Avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid


Yeah I’ve never bought from them and it’s pretty ■■■■■■ up that they can sell something that others have actually paid for. Getting out of their debt by selling stolen merchandise. Just bad all around. They didn’t pay the artists who did the covers, the publishers/distributors for the books. As well as selling those items to paying customers who never received them and now selling them to others legally as part of a bankruptcy?! They should’ve been charged criminally which they weren’t.


INCREDIBLE HULK #181 Facsimile Kaare Andrews variant & Blank variant

Unknown Comics exclusive



Smh I hate unknown for this
 Andrews is dope jus wish he didn’t do store exclusives all the time.


Shops need to get with the current fad and offer foil variants to their exclusives!

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Great art, terrible way to get it (store exclusive with an awful store).


Damn I wish I could grab the Chun Li and Cammy

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Saw those earlier, they are really cool, would grab them all if I could.

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A blank facsimile variant. Now they just need a foil version. SMH


Looks like ComicXposure mailing list has all of a sudden come back to life. Anybody else being inundated with these?

They’ve veen crapping out exclusives with Big Time collectibles epic nation and comic tom and a bunch of other whatnot sellers and selling on whatnot. Surprised because of how bad their reputation is and so many people I know getting screwed on orders from them

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A foil blank? That sounds like
a Bad Idea

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Yeah, I’ve been getting them. I thought I had opened out of their solicitations
guess not.

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The Used Car salesmen of the comic business.