We all hate store variants but

Sad Lemon has them for sale for $148 (Euros I suppose) was he the one person you were talking about?


Ohhhhā€¦Sad Lemon still going? Wow

Sad Lemon, Comic Mint, Unknown, Frankies - true pioneers of the hobby.
I buy from them as often and as many times as I can.
I love that smell of snake oil in the morning.


How many copies do they have? If they were one per, shouldnā€™t have more than one, unless they cheated.

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I had the chance to buy 1 right when it went on sale. Just didnt have the nerve paying $88 for a store variantā€¦

so I didnt pull the trigger

I have a feeling the 1:100 will be moreā€¦ā€œrareā€


So I added 10 to my cart. I hit check out and they had 4 left. Not sure if they had sold any before.

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Cheated it is!

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I remember back some years ago when (I think?) it was those Gleason covers that ā€¦ voila! ā€¦ Comic Mint all of a sudden had a boatload of them.

I shut those ef-fers down after that. Donā€™t care and hope they see this and every other time Iā€™ve blasted them

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The thing about Comic Corner, they will order more than 88 and ā€œdestroyā€ copies.


have they ever provided video proof of the destruction ?

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First 30 minutes was 1 per person limit, not one person bought multiples :joy:


I didnā€™t say he bought them, I asked if that was who it was in reference to. I got an email shortly after they went on sale from Sad Lemon saying they had copies.

Sacrificers #1 (Stephen Green TFAW Exclusive Variant)

Thatā€™s really cool. I like it.

For those interested Sacrificers #1 Tfaw variant

Except for the empty space where the trade dress goes itā€™s a nice cover. Iā€™m not a fan of virgins. Nothing against them but I like knowing the title of a book by looking at the cover.

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Sacrificers #1 Jenny Frison virgin variant

Comic Corner Exclusive


Soā€¦.does she apply purple makeup to her cleavage before pulling on this outfit?


Maybe she just has zombie boobs.

Itā€™s a purple mesh panel, for modesty. I have the same outfit.


Yes you do and Iā€™m so tired of you walking around in it when the wife isnā€™t home asking me if you still look sexy in itā€¦ Of course Iā€™m going to lie to you and say yes, I want you to loosen the chains alreadyā€¦ :wink:

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