We all hate store variants but

My moobs are bigger than hers.

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I really like this cover.

I’m aware… you show me all the time! :frowning_face:

Show, don’t tell! Let us see what you’re working with!

Don’t do it… I’m seeing a therapist 3 times a week from seeing… “too much”… :wink:

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This thread certainly took a turn for the worse…

Death of Venomverse #2 Tyler Kirkham variant

Spectral Comics exclusive

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Trying to capitalize on Spider-boy. I see what they did there.


Still better than any store variant… :wink:

So whos doing a asm 375 homage next

I think its been done on one of the Thor books. Venom vs Thor

Guess I might as well put it here, LD books are basically store exclusives. This AI nonsense is getting out of hand when the line is blurred this much. New Paolo cover got posted and the artist was called out for using AI, also quite a bit different from his usual style. Artist going this digital route needs to end, hand draw.your stuff it looks way better and ages better, people going to start wanting line receipts :stuck_out_tongue:

Brian Pulido asking publicly:

Artist reponse:

Art in question:


I don’t see a difference between use of AI and using a copy and paste emblem/logo for a cover, yet no one is upset about the latter.

wait until that guy discovers hyuk ; lees come get me covers

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Art and the “Arts” are not something that benefits from technology & innovation.


Update on the above, Coffin Comics have pulled that cover and will not go ahead with publishing it. Crazy read so many shitty practices coming to light by artists and this digital crap.


AI art is alot cheaper & faster.

Of course artists will use it to skate by…

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Yup. And an artist like myself that does everything by hand, gets pushed aside cuz it doesnt look cool anough for “those people.” I do like digital art but some of them, yeah very questionable…


One of the stores that do variants has been doing a good job pointing out sketchy artist business practices. Shawn Hudachko from Comics Elite and Merc Publishing.