We all hate store variants but

The sad thing is these overworked artists mainly just do covers. I could see if they were drawing a full book or multiple books but they do covers.

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yeah he called out melindas comics for pushing those ai covers. Honestly theres a huge difference between digital art and ai generated crap. digital art still takes a good amount of skill and if you’re not good at drawing using a wacom tablet isnt going to magically make you better at it. Reiq and sozomaika are both very good artists who also often stream and post them working on stuff digitally all the time. You don’t just press a button and bam art does it for you its not how that works. You have to have fundamentals and a good handle on drawing because if you know nothing about digital stuff then its just gonna look bad. hell even todd mcfarlane uses digital stuff a lot. the big issue with ai art is it takes no real talent or skill because of it ripping so many artists and basically doing the “press a button and bam” I say this as someone has drawn in traditional mediums and digital drawing

Digital art is unquestionably art.

AI Art only gets scorn from me.

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Arrived today.

I like.

Going to sell the virgin variant to offset the cost.



I’m a tech ish guy. Majority of my career has been in advanced analytics. I am heavy into the AI space at the moment.

What will happen in the future or how people will accept or reject it, I don’t know , but I can assure you of this. In a VERY short amount of time you will not be able to know the difference between AI or just digital art. AI art can be generated in seconds and an artist can make tweaks in digital art programs. Everyone can fight it, but it will happen, regardless. Someone will be able to create original work (that’s the definition people struggle with) for pennies and quickly it will force the business in that direction, it’s just economics.

I’m already seeing analysts and other professionals fight against it while others are leapfrogging them in productivity and performance. This is not some new operating system this is a massive tech advancement and it will be integrated in everything, including comics. It will be an economic disaster for any company or person not willing to adapt.

One hypothesis is that artists that use hard mediums (paper, paint,etc) will be a completely different sector and in theory be worth more due to the fewer artists, but that brings others issues into play.

To be honest, I think it’s awesome. I’ve seen some absolutely unbelievable stuff that is on the horizon and thinks it’s so exciting. Comics will be impacted just like any business. What I think is going to be crazy is how fast it will all happen. Right now there is a data security issue, which is being solved. Once that is done, look out.


I can tell you that the bulk of comic readers and especially collectors won’t buy AI trash that’s ripping off every artist ever. ■■■■ AI!!


Resisting evolution is a recipe for extinction.

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The “Arts” is a tricky subject.
I’m not sure the same criteria that makes business’ more efficient and pushes them ahead of the competition can be applied to all of the arts. Maybe some and certainly some aspects of it. But generally speaking… caution.

Although these days, it’s all about superficial rhinestones anyway. So maybe AI is fully successful in all avenues related to comics and comic art.

Alex Ross’s webstore

Tales of the Titans #1 cover B

cover C


Venom #23 Ivan Tao variant

Black Saber comics exclusive

Waiting for the asm 300 homage…:wink:

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Well…you did ask…

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Wait no Black widow on cover? Boo, boo, boo, I’ll pass lol.

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Lol mayhew just taking work he already did and changing the trade dress and number

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They should make it a law that once there are 300 different ASM #300 homage covers out there no more will ever be made EVER!


Unknown comics has one too.

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What the heck?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are all these black widow covers venom 23s?


Glad the Cafu Spoiler cover was revealed before I got tempted by some of these store exclusives with her on the cover.

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