We all hate store variants but

gotcha :raised_hand:

I bought two sets. I kept one for my SWHR collection and sold the second set the day I got it in the mail. Made a very nice profit. Both sets were paid off and pocketed I think $250, maybe $300 after all fees. I had no issue making a good profit because I really thought it would be kept on the up with how they were supposedly treating the print run. This right here though, coming from one of the main contributors of that site is very suspect. I would like to hear his side.


The destruction of product is overall careless and promotes a very unhealthy comic book industry to create false demand with products. Everyone with an ounce of common sense should steer clear of these bullshit tactics from retailers and make them eat their costs when they do idiotic things (and greed) to ruin this hobby!

I don’t believe in hell but some days I wish there was a place, cause there’s a special place for those people who con others for their own gains!


speaking of that shit site CBSI, here they are pumping old books. Seems they want to dump there copies for more than pennies…

“hey lets hope there’s a media deal.” … utter bs tactics. those times have passed, dumb ass

And…whats this ?? More pump and dumping !!

Heres a look at Ben’s ebay page …Mellow_Fellow_Trading …


It makes me sad to see perfectly good comics destroyed in the name of creating artificial scarcity. I wish less could just be printed as opposed to people claiming/proving they’re gonna just rip stuff to pieces.


I think we can be doubtful of any stated print runs.


We all know most if not any of them are actually getting destroyed. They’re just leaking them out more slowly… :wink:


Yeah. There was no destruction video so it’s doubtful there was any destroyed comics.


I’m not seeing how you’re connecting Ben with fellow mellow guy. Can you explain what I’m missing?

Its old news.

Did a quick google search…


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ahhhh… those CBSI guys are at again?
Nostalgia. :roll_eyes:

Next thing the Comic Mint or Sad Lemon will be doing something reminiscent of the past and bring back such fond memories for me


Its always been about money with those guys. Their website allows them to pump and dump, scam people.


100%, they use the top10 to dump books they own every week


Don’t confuse Ben Stein with the other Ben (MellowFellow). Stein is solid dude with integrity. I don’t trust the other Ben a lick. Ben Stein does the Top 10 and doesn’t sell books outside his Stein Packs


It’d be really really really cool if Trey did a little cameo with CBSI.
Conversations with him were a blast. Sort of a listen & learn individual. 100% empathy & kindness. Never showed any aggression. Very humble. Yea - real pleasure

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Power Girl #1 Natali Sanders

I usually like Natalia Sanders cover but not feeling the face/head on that one.


They should just sell them at the price they where back in the day at $10-$15 per book and keep the print run at what “WE” know is per publisher.

All of her covers have the same face. Her and Tao.