We all hate store variants but

Also comic mint.

Those bastards.

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Here’s the original…


I really hate that they do this. I hope Turner’s family gets a cut out of this.


Such a talented artist and his family better be getting money.


Limited to 1000 in case anyone is interested

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lots of February exclusives debuted today… meh

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Next week there’s a release through Bottleneck Gallery for a Matt Taylor variant. The last variant was the lenticular TMNT #1

Soooooooooooooooooooo many store variants for that issue…

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If this one is lenticular it’s gonna be way cooler than the others though. If it’s not I likely won’t pick up

Oh for f&%ks sake…

Comic Corner store exclusive variant

Single Raw: $39.95
CCG 9.8 Pre Order: $109.99
CGC 9.8 SS Pre Order: $134.99
CGC 9.8 SS Remark Pre Order: $199.99
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I’ll boldly ( :joy:) predict whatever it is will not be worth $40.


They’ll get their appropriate amount of snake oil knumbskull buyers to purchase and they’ll make a profit. :man_shrugging:
I love my hobby so much


Wow. That is bold. Good for them.

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im confused

Ok. Who the f—k are these guys? Never heard of them. Never subscribed to any email from them. Yet they send me this email. Sounds like one of the other variant stores is selling off subscriber lists.

Mysterious force in comics, shoot. I like to know who I am dealing with.


Looked up their address.

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Near Cos Cobb…not all that far from me but never heard of them. Little outside my jurisdiction.

I got a random email from, “Council of 9,” too. I figured some other store I bought from sold my info.

I also got the same email. Never heard of them or bought anything from them. Prob Frankies doing some last ditch schemes to pay their bills/ gambling :rofl: