We all hate store variants but

That’s a Costco hot dog and soda.

you’re giving Frankie’s too much credit there

Don’t know what is more funny, the $1 cheque of asking people not to buy from them, people don’t give a shit and will continue to buy from them if they have something they want.

They are blowing stuff out cheap on whatnot. Here is the thing. You don’t ship you don’t get the money so there is no risk for the buyers on whatnot.

The blowout deals on the app are just a slap in a face to anyone who actually supported them before they declared bankruptcy.


Yup, you’re basically bypassing all the people who should be getting their goods they ordered or at least refunds. I wouldn’t buy anything from WhatNot from Frankies…


He says he is selling all the stuff in order to keep the business afloat because if he sold the stuff to pay the people back he would never make enough. If he shipped the stuff to them he wouldn’t have money to continue. Sometimes it is better to screw people over than do what is right (in his eyes) to stay in business.

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Yeah…because he deserves to stay in business…


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I should make a blog post about how sleazy this all is. Could message him on Facebook to give him a chance to respond/explain stuff, but worry he’ll just curse me out…

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Does he know after bankruptcy ends, people he owes money can then go after him again?

He’s not worried about staying in business, Kevin’s problem is, he went crazy and spent all the money from goods he sold consumers without delivering such goods. Now he’s selling to pay back the big debts to all the vendors who have deeper pockets to ■■■■ him over if they want and to lower his financial obligations for himself, not his business.

He’s proven he shouldn’t run a business. The only person to blame is Kevin… I hope he realizes that! This was your own doing Kevin and you need to pay back all the people who bought from you and never delivered.


He won’t. He sounds like the typical scumbag type. He probably feels he is a victim in all this.

I think he’s failing to understand that bankruptcy isn’t designed to save your business per se, especially a business like this. It’s designed for you to get your shit together, pay off ALL YOUR DEBTS (that includes the customers)… But you’re right… people need to stop buying from this guy… let him drown so he can’t ever come back to fsck up again!


A little tidbit for anyone going to Baltimore comicon

Theres a 350 numbered copies of a new Tick book with a new Tick story; with a cover by Ben Edlund; who also is in attendance at the Con.
Looks like he will sign for free.

Not too shabby for these days


I may go. Was going to go to NYCC but looks like I have to skip again this year due to some personal things going on

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I like some things about this cover. :bat:

Vampirella #672 Cedric Poulat


I like some things about that cover too


I would be worried about splinters.

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Here’s Johnnies

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That’s funny and a bit sexy!

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I bought the bloody one. I didn’t buy an exclusive for over a year. I have to reset the clock now.

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