We all hate store variants but

JSC art is utterly terrible in my opinion


I actually like his art when it’s not women
 and the same woman, over and over and over again.


You mean the one that always looks like his wife? Although in fairness, his wife is gorgeous.

But would she be gorgeous in a comic universe where every woman looks like her? Relative attractiveness? Mind blown?

In the words of Neo, “Whoa”.

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She works his booth in NYC. I mean, I’d say she’s a pretty but I wouldn’t go so far as classifying her as gorgeous myself
 but she’s definitely better looking than JSC

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Maybe she just takes good pictures. Her eyes are definitely seen in his art, in my opinion.

His wife is definitely face inspiring to his drawings
 and the actual drawings are his wish bodies.

Not a fan of Campbell. I mean some of his covers are okay but most I don’t like. His wife is cute.

I find Adam Hughes to be a better hot chick artist


I love the way JSC draws Black Cat. Pure sexiness

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It’s funny because I love Hughes hot chicks. But Terry Dodson has almost the exact same style and never gets the credit for drawing exceptional hot chick covers.


JSC has his ups and downs, he has some fantastic covers when he isn’t regurgitating the same poses and such. I really like his cover with the homage shirts, that’s pretty great and it’s a different way to do the homage type stuff.

It’s been a while since I bought anything of his that wasn’t on sale but he has some great work out there.

My only issue is Dodson can’t draw different faces
 all his women look the same.


And if they are all the same good looking woman I don’t have a problem with that. In all honesty many artists have the same problem. J Scott Campbell, Dodson, Michael Turner, even Adam Hughes. They all draw a type.


I miss Michael Turners work.

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Michael Turner no longer has that problem. RIP.

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As a fan of chessecakey covers, I oddly enough am not a huge J Scott Campbell fan, but do like some of his stuff a lot. Michael Turner was great.

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 and maybe that’s why I don’t really go after all their work. Got one, got them all

I’m a fan of Campbell. As I like the look/style/colors, I’m perfectly fine with much of it looking the same.

I will say though, IMO, his recent run on Black Cat covers was not typical of him, and he absolutely knocked those covers out of the park. Sure, his rendition of Black Cat was the same/sexy as always, but the overall designs, incorporation of other characters, etc
just absolutely incredible. I really believe that there will come a time these will be sought after
much the same as those Spidey issues he did.