We Live #1

Man, buying high just to read, must be nice… :wink:

high and low are relative terms. If he sells it for $100, is he considered to have bought low and sold high?

It is when it sells for $250! :grin::crossed_fingers:

Maybe #1 but I don’t see #5 seeing that much heat. But ya know, comic books secondary market does work in mysterious ways.

I’m behind and was waiting to read the rest of this arc myself. I actually got all of them 1-5 but went ahead and just bought the TPB so I don’t have to take mine out of the bags and potentially ruin them. :slight_smile:


I think 5 will end up being a big key for this property. It’s basically the beginning of this new story/world with the characters that kind of lead that story (as far as we can tell). I also like the issue that the council appears in. Issue 3 or 4 I think?


I think you’re right, the writers mention this in their letter at the end of #5. That the real story is about the palladions but they needed the first 5 issues to craft the humanity aspect of the series otherwise the superhero part no one would care about since it would’ve been just another superhero comic. Imo the music qr codes are an excellent addition and really submerge you into the reading.

I wonder how @mike_C store exclusives is doing for issue #3?

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Not a damn one sold it looks like in the past 30 days or so… saw one person listing theirs for $49.95.

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They’re in issue 5.

Mike still has issues 3 and 4 in stock. Those were some of his first books sold, so awareness was a lot lower then. More have been selling as of late. Think he’s got less than 100 of each left. He did an Issue #5 2nd print, and that thing sold out in about 90 minutes.

I think people that bought his issues 3 and 4 kept them. I’ve rarely seen any on ebay, to what Poyo said. Just one copy of 3 for $49.

Both are in stock as of now for $15 each.

#3 Ryan Gary Browne cover

#4 Inaki Miranda cover

Some of my pile :slight_smile:


Looks like the A cover of issue 4 is drying up now, too. Guessing a relatively low print run on 4 and 5.

That’s probably my listing at $49.95 for that #3 exclusive. I put some things at high prices either in anticipation of it getting heat sometime or because I don’t really want to sell it but if someone wants to pay X amount of dollars they can have it. I think that was the CHU blind faith comic for $5. Whoever got one of those from Anthony really just paid for shipping. Someone offered $35 for it last night and I declined it.

Oh nice, I thought I noticed it was from IN :wink:

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I also ordered one of the blind faith not knowing what it was after buying 2 copies from the store. Looks like it was a good decision, how many blind faith were available?

I think @Anthony was given around 5 or so.

I was and gave them out as a blind box. People paid for shipping.

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Have your copies of #5 shipped out yet?

I do some web design stuff with him, so my copies come at a different pace than standard orders. They are usually grouped together for a couple months. But, keep in mind that it’s basically a one-man operation there, so order fulfillment is going to be slower there than a place with a bigger staff.

He should hire more people… tell him to stop slacking off! :wink:

That’s all fine, as long as this isn’t a scam. I don’t normally buy from Shopify stores with only a Gmail for customer service.

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