We only find them when they're dead

Thank you!! Highly appreciated my guy!!

Second printing sold out at Distributor level, its going for a 3rd print released on 9/30

Also of interest . Looks like cvr B is still in stock at Diamond.

That was fast. I don’t think I even saw the 2nd listed anywhere yet. Did you guys?

Nope…quite honestly, I didn’t even look till yesterday either.

I hadn’t looked around much as I was just waiting for TFAW to add it. I didn’t realize FOC was past on it.

I looked around today at other preorder spots and I didn’t see it around. Not even on places which keep sold out listings up.

I can’t imagine too many LCS ordered heavy on it as FOC on the 2nd print was prior to the first print hitting shelves.

So who bought them all? Ha

A lot of things could have happened. Cut off is FOC and then more interest afterwards generated the 3rd print.


A few speculation Diamond account holders could have put in heavy orders Be on the watch for this print on Ebay or certain pay groups who push this.

Going to a 3rd print might be heavily ordered based on speculation and 2nd print being Sold out. FOMO imho

Im guessing it will go to a 4th /5th print and those will be the lower side of the print run.

Almost an exact repeat scenario of Once and Future and how they handled that one with issue #1

Exactly what I was about to say.

Same thing with SiKtC - issue 1 made it up to a 6th reprint.

Unless cover B is a 1st appearance…if I remember correctly

On indies… it’s usually always Cover A that wins out if there’s a crap ton of variants, store exclusives, etc…

Damn sold out? I couldn’t even find the listing looked at all the stores. Smh I really liked the cover and the story is very good so far. Off to hunt for the 3rd print

And that’s exactly what’s going on with this one - with so many variants I’d bet good money the winner will be Cover A in the long run.

(Didn’t stop me from buying some of those variants, though)

Cover B is the dead god cover. Not a regular character in the series. The regular characters are on the ratios though.

Also, first appearances in Indie books and stories don’t carry the same as they do in Marvel or DC… where we have a long running world of characters. The only other book that stood out for firsts in the series was Walking Dead, since the show made the characters firsts more valuable, etc.

Beyond the main characters which are usually in issue #1, firsts in indies/small publisher books just aren’t as appealing to the masses… at least from current trends and past history of them.

This is the #1 reason why. In indies you are starting the story from scratch so main players introduced in issue 1.

There’s a few others with later firsts like Invincible but I agree it’s mostly not until it’s a long running title or a movie/tv property that people care about those.

Yes. It’s not unless we get an ongoing television show that first appearances in indies that occur after issue #1 become important as a “collectors” item… :slight_smile:

One of the reasons the 2nd and 3rd printing aren’t showing up in a lot of places (or are late) is because for some reason they weren’t listed in the overall Diamond FOC order master list for the week.

So will they show up late or not at all? @TFAW-Brendon