Welcome to the new CHU Forums

This is a community forum for comic book speculation and discussions that revolve around comic books with other related pop culture news.

Primarily for the readers and followers of CHU (Comicsheatingup.net), it’s open to any and all.

The rules are simple.

  • Treat others like you want to be treated.
  • Try to create topics with relevant subjects, so users know what the topic is about.
  • Please do not create duplicate topics or comments. Create a comment or topic and link to it within the other topics if you feel necessary.
  • Please try to apply the most appropriate category to your topics as well, if unsure, put it in General.
  • Keep it clean, if you can’t apply common sense, you probably shouldn’t post it. This also means keep your responses and posts constructive in nature.
  • When the discussion turns to criticize other members, people, groups, retailers, merchants, etc, make sure to keep your responses in a constructive manner. Anything deemed non-constructive can and will be likely flagged for removal by the moderators and admins of the site.
  • If the conversation gets heated, attack or debate the idea, do not make personal attacks on others. No politics/religion whatsoever. Sorry, they never end well on an online forum so just leave it at the door.
  • Simply put, if you act like a troll, we’ll treat you like a troll which you may find your access very limited or your access locked.
  • As you post and visit more, you gain trust that unlocks more perks.
  • Please do not create multiple logins. If found that you open multiple accounts we will take appropriate action to limit the accounts and or ban you entirely from using the forums.
  • No soliciting allowed. Basically, if you’re a retailer or own your own comic or other related shop, do not use the forums to boost or promote such shop or website (personal or commercial) without admin approval on certain circumstances. If you like to sponsor or advertise on CHU, please contact the administrators.
  • The moderators and admins have the right to edit, modify, close, delete posts or topics for any reason (please don’t give us a reason). Reasons may be publicly provided or not, that is left to our discretion.
  • If you feel an administrator or moderator closed, edited or deleted a post or topic out of favor, please direct the discussion to private messaging with the moderators or admins. Speaking publicly about moderation occurrences is prohibited.
  • If you are not a moderator or admin, then don’t act like one taking matters that might be against the rules or guidelines into your own hands. Flag the topic or post in question and allow the moderators to handle.
  • Moderators don’t have it easy when it comes to moderating on forum when rules are broke. Think of moderators as peacekeepers, the Jedi Knights of keeping the forums flowing with positive energy and discussions we’re all here to have with others in the community. Attacks on moderators will not be tolerated when they are forced to moderate (locking topics, removing comments or posts, editing posts, etc). If you have an issue with an actual moderation, take it to private conversation with the moderator or other moderators/admins of the site. Proper disciplinary action will be taken if you question or publicly harass a moderator for keeping the peace with moderating a topic, sometimes which can lead to immediate suspension or even a ban.
  • You also agreed to the Terms of Service and Privacy for using this website. If you do not agree to the terms outlined, do not use this website.

If a member is found in violation of the rules, the following is standard actions are normally taken unless otherwise noted elsewhere in the rules:

  1. A first warning will be either made publicly or privately, no other action taken.
  2. A second warning in violation of the rules may lead to being silenced for a set amount moderator/admin discretionary amount of time. A silence is removing your ability to post new or comment on existing topics. You can still login, PM users, etc.
  3. A third warning will likely result in a suspension which means you lost login privileges to the site. The amount of time will be discretionary based on the infraction.
  4. A fourth warning is just a permanent ban.

In other instances, the moderators and admins of the site may take immediate action for any reason that could result in a suspension or ban without subsequent warnings given. These do not occur often but can and have happened under dire circumstances where we were left with no other choice but to skip to ban immediately.

Quick Disclaimer:
We do not collect, gather or sell user information from this site. We do however link to 3rd party affiliates and display ads that help pay for this site through commissions. Any cookies placed by these 3rd parties are subject to their own cookie and privacy policies.

3rd party affiliates include TFAW, eBay and Amazon but not limited to these.

Regular members are not allowed to use their own affiliate accounts or links to 3rd parties where they collect commissions or any type of payment from referrals without explicitly getting permission from the administrators of this site in writing. You can see more about this rule in the Terms of Service under the Acceptable Use Rules. We do not allow public discussions about affiliate commissions whatsoever. If you have questions or concerns on any of the affiliates we use on this forum, please contact an administrator or moderator.

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July 10th 2021, Rules have been updated and amended.

September 28th, 2021 - Updates to add moderator roles on the forums and flow of disciplinary action taken when members are found in violation of the rules.

Terms of Service have been amended.

Changes made under the Acceptable Use Section:

  1. You cannot register or sign up using names/usernames that are deemed inappropriate, offensive, slander other groups, races, sex, etc. A name or username deemed inappropriate at registration may be deleted immediately without notice.