What Movies are you watching?

I like Ethan Hawke’s work a lot but, “Black Phone,” just didn’t look particularly interesting.

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Not a movie but recently watched Cyberpunk show on Netflix and I was really pleasantly surprised. I am not a gamer or a big anime watcher but this show was excellent entertainment to me.

Not kid friendly lots of violence.

Glad I have some copies of Cyberpunk 1 tucked away somewhere… that pink variant is the money book.

Hope they do more with this show. :+1:


I just saw Barbarian a very good horror movie. This coming Monday the Regal near me is showing a “Mystery” upcoming rated R movie for $5, I’m hoping it’s Halloween Ends.

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I really liked the show too, I thought it did a better job of showing the world of cyberpunk and night city than the game did. Rebecca was my favorite character

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Well, I hit Shudder hard today. Watched Await Further Instruction, 13 Cameras and Revealer tonight. All were good in different ways. Of the 3, I’d recommend Await Further Instruction the most, though the other 2 are no slouches at all!!

Anyone here have the Shudder streaming service?

Just saw Halloween Ends last night. Everyone seems to hate it. I don’t think I have seen a good review but I thought it was great.

Anyone watch the new Hellraiser on Hulu? Not bad. New cenobites are creepy. I think it’s worth a watch if you haven’t yet.

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I have one friend who dug, “Halloween Ends,” but everyone else seems to be let down by it. I feel like any time, “Halloween,” reboots it starts strong and then goes downhill. H20 is solid, then the sequel stunk. The most recent, “Halloween,” of 2018 was fun and then downhill. Hm.

Unpopular opinion, but the wife and I finally sat and watched “Morbius”. I honestly thought it was pretty decent.

May I ask, what did those of you who hated it (and it seems most do) dislike about it?

I get that it really had little to do with ties to anything Marvel/Spidey and perhaps that’s the issue. Very basic plot/hero/villain that was predictable/cliche but it still works as an age old story narrative.

As a simple, very basic vampire flick it had great action, special effects, and I though the look of Morbius was awesome. Even the sound was really good.


One more note…

I would recommend “Mr. Harrigan’s Phone” on Netflix.

Engaging, though provoking story that is based on a story by Stephen King. It’s not perfect, but worth a watch. I found it to be a bit emotional at times. Very good insight/reflection on what our society has become. Donald Sutherland played a good role.

I recommend it…it’s not really a horror show…more supernatural I suppose and may even be a very good film to watch with your teens/family.


My wife really liked it too. I thought it was decent but I also have 0 attachments to the cokic character.

It’s not exactly a movie as it is just one hour, but, “The Paloni Show! Halloween Special!” is enjoyable and weird if you like, “Rick and Morty,” or, “Solar Opposites.” I’ve got a review for my blog I’m gonna get posted up tomorrow.

It is Halloween month, so I have been wading through the guts and the gore of my favourite horror movies. Last night was Revealer on Shudder. Tonight is Tale of Two Sisters. Korean ghost story. Highly recommended, if you can take the subtitles (Unsolicited Trivia About Me: I watch everything with the subtitles on. Never miss out on a thing. Anyone else do this?)


Just finished watching Fall. I’m pretty sure it was someone from here who recommended it. It’s about 2 girls stuck on top of a TV tower. It was enjoyable enough but I do like movies where it’s filmed in a one location setting where our protagonist is trapped etc. I usually feel the tension and anxiety in their predicament but in this case it’s hard for me to connect with the actors. They’re Youtubers/TikTokers doing dumb death defying things to post them online to get followers, so for that it’s really hard for me to have any sympathy for them.

I recommended it. It hit my fear of heights and agoraphobia all in one.

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Excellent recommendation, I really like movies like this. Reminds me of this movie I watched

You may like it, Frozen from 2010.

It’s not a movie, but it will be getting one. My wife and I are watching, “Community,” as we never did previously. We’d both always heard good things and liked the cast, creator, etc. We love the show and recently started season 3 as we work our way through the series. I know season 4 lacked Dan Harmon and is weak before recovering in 5 and 6, but we will watch it all and then be pumped for the movie coming to Peacock!

@SpicyWasabi I still think about that movie at certain times. There were some brutal/teeth clenching in that film for sure. I recommend it as well.

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Great movie! Adam Green is a good filmmaker. His Hatchet series is a lot of fun also

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