What Movies are you watching?

I watched Terrifier 2 tonight. Definitely ramps up the gore and I didn’t mind the longer runtime. Things felt a little more spread out, but the filler was good enough to keep my attention. Another recommend for the gore hounds!!

Where did you see it?

Streaming site

Can you share, DM me if it is less than legit

When my Dog got sick, I pretty much stopped watching Streaming TV.
I did watch the old UNSOLVED MYSTERIES hosted by Robert Stack because it was “Free” on “Free TV” Vizio. My Girlfriend and I had started watching all the Universal Horror series, Dracula, Wolfman, Mummy, starting on the last week of September. I had purchased the entire set over time for my father.

On September 29, of this year. my father was in the car with my girlfriend and I and we were going to a party. It was odd because my father NEVER left his room since covid started. In the car I was telling him that we were watching his Horror BluRay set. My girlfriend asked him, ‘What’s your favorite horror/Halloween movie?" My Dad said ‘I don’t know.’ I got a little sad. He had always told me he was afraid of "The Mummy’ but then later He told me he realized he could have just set fire on him. He talked about Hocus Pocus and The Blob. We talked about Abbot & Costello meet Frankenstein is still the ALL TIME CLASSIC. If you haven’t seen it, Watch it with the kids. We got caught in traffic and I was a little down because when we arrived to the party the Live Mariachi had already played and were leaving. This was his only reason for leaving his room. I felt so guilty and bad. This was the last time I would spend extended time with my Father outside the home.

Why am I mentioning this? I didn’t make it public to a lot of people on this forum, but some of the people here do know that My Father passed away on October 13 of this year. Tonight is The Viewing and Tomorrow if the funeral. Why am I here? Maybe I needed some venting writing therapy. I got a million things I need to do and I’m avoiding it at the moment. I am not asking for condolences or anything of that nature but I’m hurting inside.


That was Steve McQueen’s 1st film and he was not yet polished. He was 28 and supposed to play the role of a teenager. Go Figure. He received $3,000 for his starring role. He turned down an offer for a smaller up-front fee in return for a 10% percent share of profits, thinking that the film would never make money; he needed his signing fee immediately to pay for food and rent. However, The Blob ended up a hit, grossing $4 million at the box office


Oh BTW there is a Blobfest coming to Phoenixville PA in July of 2023.

Some movies that I saw in the last several months that I recommend but probably no one will talk or even bat an eye if it was at Blockbuster…

I’m in to the spooky even before X-Files was a thing.

Roswell (Kyle Maclachlan & Martin Sheen)

Black & Whites about Lost Treasure are fun
Lust for Gold (Glenn Ford)

George Pal Movies are Great.
7 Faces of Dr. Lao
Atlantis The Lost Contintent

Houdini (1953) with Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh.

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My sister-in-law and brother-in-law live in Phoenixville. I have been to and by the theater a thousand times. One of the many horror movie places I have been to. (Exorcist Stairs, Burketsville, Poltergeist house, among others).

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I may have to check that operation out. @Anthony make a list of them and share them with the group, the spots and your thoughts. :slight_smile:

There was a TV Show called “RUSH” that I watched on TV with my FATHER. It didn’t get renewed for a 2nd season, the pilot season was excellent though. Tom Ellis just killed it in that TV Show, this was pre-Lucifer. It’s available on Apple TV. I do recommend.

Getting one last push of Halloween horror in. I watched Terrifier 2 again (amazing film) then Devils Rejects and the Nightmare On Elm Street documentary Never Sleep Again. A solid retelling of the filmmaking process of all those films. Highly recommend for any Freddy Krueger fans out there!

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That documentary on Nightmare on Elm Street is great. I would also recommend, “Scream Queen,” which is a documentary about Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and LGBTQ horror.

Can you do me where you watched Terrifier 2? @TheRedCollar

btw… Terrifier 2 was submitted for Oscar consideration

I saw. It is on Amazon. Watching it tonight

There are some theater’s still playing it. I plan on seeing it this weekend.

Apologies as they aren’t really movies, but I really enjoyed the new Horror/supernatural/suspense anthology done by Guillermo del Toro on Netflix called “Cabinet of Curiosities”

Some of the episodes are better than others, but they are all worth a watch just for the special effects. Stories that remind of the ole EC stories in Tales from the Crypts, Shock Suspense stories, etc.
I really loved the episode titled the “The Autopsy”.

Also, the series “The Watcher” was decent. Loosely, (and I mean very loosely) based on a true story, but it was worth the view. Also on Netlfix.

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We should change this post’s title to, “What Programs Are You Watching?” perhaps. I have the ability as a moderator but don’t want to change the subject without the original poster’s permission. What say you, @Anthony, good sir?

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I watched Terrifier 2, I didn’t pay for it through Amazon. It was good, basically what I expected. Girl clown was terrifying

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story was pretty damn good.

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I had the opportunity to be involved with Weird Al’s concerts at one point (when he was doing his Anakin parody song in shows).
He is just the nicest, most down to Earth person. I think very highly of him. He treated us so well.

I’m the scout trooper