What shows are you watching?

i really like the premise, i just hope they don’t venture away from it

There is a lot of stuff I have re-watched and stuff I need to watch.

I may be the biggest Chicano Star Wars fan you know, and yet, my access to Disney+ has been limited since last May. So I need to catch up and see all the stuff on it I havent since then.

Just finished re-watching Boardwalk Empire. I decided to get the real story of it on a book. I really would like “Turn” (Washington’s Spy Network story) to be shown again.

I just finished “The Glory” on Netflix and man, that was some straight up Count of Monte Cristo stuff. It was painful to watch at times, the cruelty inflicted on the poor girl. She certainly made sure all of her wrongdoers got their comeuppance, though.

Watched, “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets,” on Amazon Prime and it was incredibly disturbing. I watched their reality show back in the day and there is a whole lot of twisted stuff with them and the movement (IBLP) they are/were a part of that the four-part documentary explores. Probably will make a blog post recommending folks check it out.

I am watching The Days on Netflix. It’s about the Fukushima Japan Tsunami and nuclear accident that followed. I am very interested in this due to my ex fiancé being from and moving back to the area of Fukushima. I have many friends that lived there at the time.

Last night I started watching “Jared from Subway: Catching a Monster”… Was curious on how it all went down in catching this creep!

There was a subway promotional comic with jared teaming up with the justice league

Guy was huge and everywhere… even the clean cut nice guys can be monsters underneath…


The Subway comic is just an insert in another comic, correct? Couldn’t find a stand alone book online anywhere.

I’ve been watching old David Attenborough documentaries. I have pretty much everything he’s done.


“Telemarketers,” on HBO and MAX is fascinating. 3rd and final episode airs tonight.


Yea. Enjoying it so far. :grinning:

Started the live action one piece series, as a big fan of the manga and anime I thought they did pretty good. the characters and dynamic are the strongest part but I think they rush wayy too fast through a lot of the story, it being live action I also feels like it hurts a lot of what makes One piece so charming and exciting because the art style and whacky designs dont really translate to live action. I’d say so far its a decent 6/10. If youve never watched or read the series I’d still say read the manga or watch the anime over the live action

Hs to be better than the other live action anime adaptation they did.

yeah much better than death note and cowboy bebop

One Piece is a masterpiece IMO

I had no previous experience with One Piece as far as the manga and anime but it is so unique and the brilliant casting that it had me hooked in the first 20 minutes. I binged all 8 episodes and was bummed when it ended.

As far as it being rushed, I don’t see it. I think a series 1 of anything is to see if there could be potential for continuing series. For them to get through the stories they did and introduce the wide swathe of characters that they did, was fantastic and well done.

I will be watching it again!

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Watching season 1 of INVASION (Apple TV) and it is damn good.


I enjoyed the first season recently and am enjoying the second so far. Blackbird is really good as well as the Michael J Fox Doc Still. A bunch of other good stuff on there as well.

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I’m going to have to give that show a try. I don’t know anything about it - but I will.

Wheel of Time episode 1 of season 2 was adequate. I still think they did a sh*t job of casting most parts and the writing is merely okay. I had/have HIGH hopes for this and bought some of the Wheel of Time comics at release of the show. I’m lukewarm towards it right now. The actor playing Lan and actress playing Moraine are great!

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I don’t even follow Football much but the latest season of Hard Knocks is fun. Aaron Rodgers is a fascinatingly strange fellow.