I’d be mad too if I woke up with a hole in my crotch.
It’s like he’s almost accomplishing a negative space cover effect, but just short of the mark enough to look weird.
I like these Frank Miller pieces! I’m by no means a huge fan of his, but I dig them, weirdly.
this looks awful!!! Dceased War of the Undead Gods #5 (Cover B - Ben Oliver Homage Wraparound Card Stock Variant)
raise you a rose besch
What is even going on in this cover? I’m asking seriously.
It looks like a piece of Modern abstract art
I saw the Besch in an advert earlier today. I was really struggling to make sense of it. I like quite a lot of her work, but don’t get this at all!
I see Mephisto.
It’s actually kinda cool since it’s called Vanish you can’t see what’s going on then once you see it you can’t not see it.
Yeah it’s hard to make it out but it’s awesome anyways. The waste of space in the Deceased cover is my only issue with it.
when you knock over your inks on the piece you were working on
I still don’t see it.
It’s a profile of a head that’s vanishing. If you keep looking you’ll eventually see it.
It’s Mephisto and Miles on a motorcycle with wet t-shirts posing all sexy like.
I kinda see it, thanks.
its fine as an a b c cover with a 4 buck cover
not 40 for a set exclusive
Yikes…contrast would have probably helped out.
Whats up with the swastikas on the smiley face, on that cover?