WTF Midtown Comics?

For those of you looking for alternatives to Midtown, some stats from recent orders:

Unknowncomicbooks: Two orders, Both were in transit within 4 days of product release. The most recent the very next day.

Mycomicshop: last order shipped the day of release.

TFAW: shipped the day after release.

Midtown Comics: shipped 12 days after release. Waiting on another in stock item to be shipped (4 days and counting…not holding my breath).

I think we are going to order from a bunch of different retailers and write about the experience. Or do a YouTube video.

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Yes, I brought this up in private message… why you spoiling our future article plans? :stuck_out_tongue:

It is not a secret. Its not like I am giving spoilers of the end result :man_shrugging:

Should I tell them the big secret then?

Not sure what you are referring to.

Me neither… just wanted to see if members would be like… “ooohhh… aww… what’s the secret poyo?”

Ooohhh… aww… what’s the secret Poyo?

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This was sent to me. I don’t use Midtown like that any more so whoever wants it here you go.

Coupon Code: midtown686223168
Coupon Description: 25% off all products (excluding new releases, pre-orders and gift cards)
Coupon Start Date: 07/11/2020 12:00am
Coupon Expiry Date: 07/17/2020 11:59pm

You need to both order at least once from each retailer…get a good sample going. I have a few pre-orders out with a few different ones as well if you want me to add more data/input.

birthday code?

No. Birthday was back in April lol

mine too. happy belated birthday

Thank you. Mine is on the 24th.

Ha so is mine

Lol. Nice, nice…

Have you guys ever thought that New York still hasn’t fully reopened and all sorts of restrictions are in place across the board? Just a thought.

I’ve never had any issues with Midtown. Except having shipping damage which they always replaced for free and let me keep the damaged ones. Except one time I had to mail a book back.

All my orders were preorders on monthly shipping and I haven’t ordered from them in a few years. So I don’t have any experience ordering recently but they’ve always been great in the past. Sounds like they’ve taken on to much and you guys are feeling the effects. It’s no excuse for bad/no customer service though.

That reminds me, I order from NYCollectoreCave, located in the Bronx. Get stuff from them pretty quick lately.

And restrictions in NY have been mostly lifted, with exception of indoor dining and bars, Broadway and museums/libraries. There’s still limits on the number that can gather in one place (10?). I get emails all the time from Midtown for their in store sales. So their locations are open and fully operational.

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Sounds like it’s them taking on to much with distributing books for the publisher then. I’m in NY State but I haven’t kept updated on what’s opened and closed. I know in my area we’re just about back to normal. With the exception of what you listed, face masks and social distancing. I didn’t think shops were back open but I rarely ever go to my local shops anyway.

Oh I fully understand that Covid is still going on and New York was pretty badly hit, being the epicenter and all. Today is 7/12, 11 days after I placed an order and there is no progress whatsoever on my delivery. It’s one comic. I cannot see how one comic can take 12 days to be put in a box and shipped. Even during the height of the pandemic i was selling on eBay. Would pull books the same day or next day and have them in the mail. The mail was slower but still got to people in a reasonable time. That is my first issue with them. Second, once it hit the mail it took another two weeks to get to me. My post office said an entire pallet of mail was lost in the shuffle from UPS to USPS and I should count the package as lost. They said no way would it take that long. I received it this weekend almost a full month after it was sent and a week after I filed the dispute.

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