X-Force 13 Cover A Ghost?

That could be a long term play…

I purchased 15 trade for $100 and 6 virgin covers for $100. Pretty cheap. Will flip a few sets soon after I get them in hand and just sit on the rest. Maybe Solem sticks around and becomes a Sabertooth type character, or maybe he dies before the XOS series ends?!

@Tazz4450 that’s my fear… unknown buy 2 get 1 free makes for an easy flip for that cover… I like the cover but other than a copy for the PC I’d be a lil tight with extra copies that I cant shake WHEN the general release covers have the character on it as well🤔

$6.67/ cover or $16.67/ cover isnt a crazy amount (based on a “bulk order”). IF the character gains traction their cover is a steal of a deal, based on the $3.99 cover price, and IMO the best cover image. I preordered 50 of each cover A for Wolverine #6 and X-Force #13. Can’t see a huge downside to adding some buy 2 get 1 free Unknown Comics covers. If the prices were $15/$35 each, no discount, I would be in total agreement with your assessment.

I’ve been seeing chatter in FB groups but I’ve refrained from commenting so as not to add to any hype. But I’m secretly planning to ambush numerous shops next week to score multiple copies. Wish me luck!

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Midtown still has copies. Limit one. Ironically the
Variant cover Sold out.

Yeah I was in a FB group yesterday and they just started speculating on this issue yesterday and are shocked to see it sold out. Midtown is down to 1 cover of X-force and most shops are sold out already. Wont be long till fomo sets in.

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I think FOMO already set sail. When that comes out, I bet those cover A’s start at $20. Best get ready to drop a load of your extras and save a few for the PC, or 15 years.

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Is that a guess at a profit to be made or you already making pre-sales, @Tazz4450?

Just a guess on profits. The biggest book is yet to be printed… Wolverine #6 x print? (with Solem on cover). However, for next Wednesday he will appear in the pages of both books and on the cover of X-Force #13. I have a ton of both and I am not in total agreement with the rest of the board with which one is THE book to have. Yet, you can’t go wrong picking both up next Wednesday. I firmly believe many of these new mutants in XOS will stick after this story arc is over.

X-force13 a and the other variant with him on it will probably be the best for profit margin.

Yeah cover price buys are always good for profit margins.

The unknown variant is good too IMO. You can get a virgin 9.8 and 3 virgin raws (buy 2 get 1) for $130 shipped (free shipping $100+). Bit riskier but bigger rewards too if it takes off. They will have the most limited print runs, and with no ratio variants, you know they didn’t go crazy with quantity.

There’s a 1:100 for the book stupid timeless variants so it’s not going to be as low ordered as some of you believe.

For the Beast sketch? I don’t mind Alex Ross, but some of these static bust images are fairly lame, Beast being one of those to me, so that isn’t one for me. Prices look to be $125+ already though, and I am not sure there was a lot of interest before FOC.

I can’t see stores ordering heavily for those timeless 1:100 variants… most of them are… meh…

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The colored versions of the Alex Ross timeless variants are really nice and I can see people building a set. But I dont see those same people trying to build a sketch variant covers set. IF retailers ordered heavy on either cover it would have been the Wolverine Alex Ross cover for Wolverine #6. An original X-Force team member, perhaps Cable, would have been a better choice of character on X-Force #13’s cover.

Right I forgot about that but honestly, I don’t think shops are betting on that one… those have been very underwhelm, especially for Ross. But you’re right, Wolverine 6 will be widely available. You can tell from eBay availability though that X-Force 13 will have a low print run. I dunno if you’re betting on this one but I hope you are.

Wolverine is a more popular character vs X-Force, so even without the first, it was going to have a bigger print run anyways.

Demand will go up for both as people seek them out for the first appearance. Of course X-Force will be the winner, even if the demand was equally the same on both (like if we assumed 100k people all wanted copies of both), this is where supply runs dry up faster on X-Force, thus causing people to spend more for it to obtain their copy.

Supply vs demand vs availability. If there was no Solem, there’d be no demand and we’d be talking about a different book… :slight_smile:


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