X-Men ‘97 Coming to Disney+

cant wait to see x-men 201 to be on this weeks hot lists

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Now they have to bring in Dazzler probably looking a little like TS to suck in the Swifties and work in a version of Fall of the Mutants storyline before popping Cable back out in the series again. 7 weeks to go. I’m assuming this will rule out Nightcrawler and Kitty for now since they were with Excalibur at this time.

then there is xfactor 68 where baby cable is sent into the future to become cable

I think the pacing was rapid fire and maybe this episode wouldv’e benefitted as a 2 parter cause theres so much going on (Madelyn Pryer and the inferno adaptation, Mr Sinister, Baby cable being sent to the future) but I think it was still really good. If you don’t know anything about X-Men then you’d probably be completely lost on whats going on. Also the animation again was top notch, from the scary nightmare scenes in the mansion to the fight at the end they did a great job

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Gambit’s comment wins the episode. I can’t unsee that either, lol.

Woof that episode man, it was heavy


Agreed. Great episode.

Never got into the original cartoon.

Just finished binge watching the first 5 episodes.


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I can’t believe this series is as good as it is. That last episode… whoa.

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I must have really missed something, How did Madalyn Pryor know his name was “Cable”?

Wondered the same thing myself…

I’m assuming because of Jean and Madelyne sharing memories they probably met cable in the previous series or sometime off screen, and because Nathan wasn’t born yet she didnt know cable was her son till she saw him again

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Another thing…. Was the outline of the Watcher in the sky before the night club scene? I swear I think I saw his sillouette to the left side of the screen.

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I mean, HOLY ■■■■ !!! Very anime-ish. This is some good shit. Wish all cartoons went this hard


Seems like they’re bringing in Cassandra Nova. I’m imagining some level of tie-in with the Deadpool 3 movie?

I’ve heard that theory. Would be random to have two totally separate Cassandra Nova characters so close in time…

Ok. I’m really dense. Someone help me out and explain why Mr. Sinister is helping Bastion.

It seems like Sinister is beholden to Bastion. My question is, is Sinister scheming or is he scared of Bastion?

If I remember from the episode he said he was doing it for the large amount of captive test subject mutants that Bastion was supplying, or something to that effect