X-Men ‘97 Coming to Disney+

I may have to actually watch this. Everyone’s raving about it. How much is Disney+ nowadays?

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You could wait until the season is over, buy it for a month and binge watch it, then cancel. People do that with streaming services if there is only one show they want to watch. My kids and I like the Star Wars stuff too so I’m
in it for the long haul with the mouse. They get me every month.

I never watched the original series, and never been an x-men reader aside from a random issue here or there. I’m not following everything that’s going on, But I’m enjoying it nonetheless.

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Just share passwords, ya’ll! Nobody ever cracks down on that!

—Me a few years ago.

Those were the days.

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Hot dang. This show delivers. Another great episode.


I had just finished rewatching the old series this week. I remember watching the first few seasons when I was growing up. I started watching the new series this week. I caught up with everything last night. It is awesome so far.


What a finale!


Yep, great episode and a good setup for next season.

Didn’t think it was long before we would see Apocalypse, got the X-Factor #6’s ready to go.


Excited for season 2! Season 1 was just AMAZING!!! Not super excited for Ahskani Cable… that was a bad era of Cable comics.

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When they “disappeared in time” I started getting excited we were going to get some Age of Apocalypse episodes. Or when Magneto and Xavier were mentally connected and thing were going south, I thought here comes Onslaught. That will be cool. Not so much. The whole lost-in-time-and-need-to-find-the-way-back plot has never been one of my favorites but we’ll see how it goes. The show writers did a great job so I’m feeling like it will be ok after all.


I also thought that with all the Avengers cameos that keep popping up that we could get the X-men Vs Avengers mini-series, but seems less likely now.

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Could still happen. First they needed to explain how the minds interact to deal w the imminent threat. That sets the stage for Onslaught. I hope it happens. Although personally the highlight for me already happened w Magneto telling the professor to shut up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.