Your Office / Wo/Man Cave

Lol. Yeah our side bar conversation. Man. I have been chasing my 9 year old all this weekend for a tournament. He played 6 innings today, caught three innings played first base two and pitched a three up three down inning today to close out the game. Went three for three with two singles and a double. He is playing on a tournament team the past couple of weeks. And I am the exhausted one.

meh, thts what Forums are for. start a topic and end it with talk about our Kids :slight_smile:

i dont care what the conversation is as long as it distracts me from thinking about SDCC. Which btw im bringing my Gopro and yes im old as hell cause im trying to figure out how to stream it.

I am on the road this weekend but will show the mess that is my office when I get home.

Is streaming like having it show up on CHU live Saturday night as they reveal the next 8 movies?


Lol no and yes. I don’t do hall h or anything like that. Just walking around the convention. Trying to link this up with YouTube but it isn’t going well. Meh, just upload them afterwards I guess.

I would love to post a picture of my comic room…but it looks cyclone hit it’s so unorganized.

There’s still a shop downtown, but it’s not for me. There’s also a shop in Barre who has a huge back section of well organized silver and bronze, but he checks internet pricing at time of checkout - and ends up marking prices up -so to save myself the 2 hrs car time I just shop online.

I feel for ya man. I have a few shops like that around my area too. I know they have bills to pay but i just hate that tactic. You are basically doing the work for them. Lazy Bastards. I hope they read this so they know I am the one stealing their customers and im only open for a few hours on Saturday.

Got to get my space organized tot post

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Ha! Same

I wish I had a room to display things but my collection is overtaking a few rooms.


I use to buy those plastic boxes when they were 5 for $100 direct from Amazon but they haven’t had them for over a year, I just won’t pay the $150 they asking for on Amazon from third party sellers.

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The last time I got the plastic bins it through a seller here, they get a discount so it’s a bit cheaper than directly through BCW.

New toy shelf. Added Yoda, Boba, Hulk, Lobo, & Felicia yesterday.


And my first Lego builds in the last 35 years, which was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. :100:



It’s even worse!! Lol. I don’t have room to display any of my toys. I sold off all the statues and action figures years ago. I do have two spare bedrooms but their full of gardening equipment for when cannabis home-grows are legal in NY.

First pic is my Modern Newsstands. Total of 13 Short Bins.

Second pic is my most recent purchases alphabetized & a few empty bins.


First pic is My sisters few books bottom left. My eBay listings right in top. Followed by graded books. Finally Star Wars High Republic in the last 3 bins.

Second pic is the old collection on the shelf and older recent purchases alphabetized in front of the shelf.


Not my office but the game room. Still a work in process as I replace the old TV’s and need more LED lights

Three TV’s with PS3, Xbox 360, two Nintendo Switch consoles, NES and SNES classic, and Xbox 1. MK3 Arcade 1up which we are always playing Tapper or Rampage. Three recliner gaming chairs.


I don’t have a room/cave, more like spots in the house I have taken as display areas.
I have 3 main things I collect: DVDs and BluRays, Comics (trades and hardcovers more that floppies) and music, all in physical form.
First picture is all my trades in my living room. The top of the shelving unit are our complete series DVDs.

Second and third pictures are in my wife’s office. My longbox of remaining comics (I sold everything else, so its contents are pretty strong). The closet is all our movies and tv shows. We recently got rid of all the plastic cases and transferred them to thin sleeves. Saves a metric f@ckton of space. There are 34 bins and each bin has, at minimum, 50 movies. The top shelf is all the horror franchises and rare special edition dvds that were too good to remove from the original case.

Fourth and fifth pictures are on my side of our bedroom. It’s my vinyl/cd/cassette/8-track collection. Not anything super valuable, mostly just sh*t I like. Next to it is the comics that are too large for the longbox (DC Black Label, FOOM, CGC books, Buru Lan Dracula, Marvel Graphic Novel, protective case for my Carnage collection). The top of both are my Funko Pops, figures, etc. and an antique knife sharpening steel I got as a parting gift from an old job (I’m a chef).


Big fan of physical media. To hell with downloads and streaming.