I think his name is Kid Kawaii. I think I got that from key collector for what it’s worth.
That’s spot on. She goes for a wander through the new omniverse with The Spectre. If you don’t buy a new outfit for that kind of gig, what would it say about you?
Sounds like a “whole lot o’ spend my money on something else” business at this point.
Yes. All this hype pre foc is a disaster.
Is it just me, or is it odd that Batman 106 hasn’t caught much heat if any at all? Is it that no one cares for Miracle Molly (there isn’t much known about her at this point.) Or is it that people still don’t realize that she is in Batman 106?
So you’re saying that because a lot of people knew about Molly in 106 before FOC it caused the secondary market for this book to suffer? I know this may sound like a dumb question, but it is an honest one.
It certainly never helps. But, it causes problems when everyone has a copy. If nobody knew about molly in 106, it would be better, but not necessarily great because of the cameo factor. We’ll see if sales pick up with the 108 foil.
The book just came out… it’s a wait and see game. I honestly think most didn’t buy into this character. Most retailers weren’t caught off guard with anything Tynion is doing cause he’s just pumping out new characters left and right.
Can this character still catch on? Most certainly but it could be next week or in a decade… the market works in very mysterious ways. Honestly, I don’t find the character that appealing. It’s just another girl antagonist in Goodwill outfit… like her if you want, I just can’t see her being that prominent for now.
She might be a fine character, but Punchline will probably always be more popular because of the Joker connection.
Punchline’s look is better, too.
106 Foil? Did I miss something?
I think they meant the 1:50 #108 foil
- I’ll fix it
Okay, Batman fans (or, well @BatmanFan probably). I just read 106, but it’s my first Batman comic (outside of Last Knight on Earth) and I’m trying to sort out the last scene with the mayor and the outfit behind him. Does that outfit belong to the mayor? Or am I missing something? That was the only part that LKoE and , uh, Batman '89 didn’t help me with.
I’ll PM you my thoughts, as I don’t want to spoil.
Thank you that was awesome!!
The WW costume is eerily similar to the Just Imagine Stan Lee Wonder Woman costume…
My guess is no. I think it was left as a message for him that he hasn’t noticed yet. We shall see.
This is also a great hypothesis
I think some people stayed away based on the cameos don’t count principle (flawed thought it may be). I think she could catch on, but definitely not a sure bet. Punchline will be around for a long time. That was definitely the boat to get on!