Chu Fantasy Football

I’m just glad to see my Packers fight back and win it by one point after losing by one point last week. Love really came in clutch and trusted Reed after he missed multiple “gimme” passes.

My favorite play was Rashan Gary coming off the edge to absolutely destroy the QB. He was basically unblocked. I just can’t recall if it was Care or Winston how was in the game at that point.

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Love definitely has impressed thus far. That comeback yesterday was awesome, and I am not a Packers fan.

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Yeah he has been playing well, and I am pleasantly surprised. I also can’t help but think that knocking Carr out of the game helped a lot

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I still don’t blame Wilson. He has no time to do anything. Why is no one talking about the miserable excuse for an o-line? They didn’t protect Rodgers either and look where he is.

And they have two receivers coming back from injuries soon, so Love is only going to have more weapons!

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The Eagles out Jetted the Jets!’

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory…


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This is a good laugh. “Back by December”. I have no doubt he’ll be capable of playing at a high level next year…but December? Come on. Piss more of that $75 million away…

Kobe was a far better athlete and it took him a WHILE to come back from Achilles injury. Aaron is delusional.

We only had two people interested in playing this season, so we couldn’t start a league. I’m sure we’ll have enough for at least an 8-man league by next year. You, Batmanfan, and I are three confirmed FF players.

I am in next year.

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That makes 4!

Kobe was a big dude. He put a lot of demand on his Achilles. Also technology and healing methods are always getting better by the year.

There’s also the question whether Rodgers injury was a full tear. Makes a huge difference. So if the stars aligned for him it’s possible…anything is possible. We’ll see. Still too early to get excited.

That being said, I’m three years removed from a complete reconstruction, and although I can do what someone my age should be expected to normally do without the injury, I still feel it and know it’s not 100% and could go again if I push it too hard.

I probably could have jumped in if a spot needed to be filled. I’m a little out of touch with who the best players are, but that’s probably better because then I won’t over think it.

I tend to out manage myself…

Basketball where one is jumping a whole lot and constantly running the floor where as a Quarterback in Football can get away without jumping for the most part and limited running with longer breaks inbetween plays while also not being on the field when it’s defense turns makes a huge difference I think as well. The healing time is going to be completely different when it comes to different sports and what’s required of the athlete as well.

Since I run a lot nowadays, I just listen to my body to know when I’m doing too much and or hurting myself.

Did anybody just watch the Bears-Panthers game? Holy cannoli–that was painful. The horror…the horror…

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Whoo hooo!

The Packers accidentally won!