Disney Investor Day (12/10/20)

The Acolyte, taking place at the end of the high republic era.

that the first High Republic timeline thing?

High Republic related show Acolyte.

Yeah, I’m aware, but it isn’t the primary way in which mass audiences encountered it. If a Superman movie came out in July 1938 and millions saw that film, but Action Comics came out June 1938 and comparably fewer people saw that, then it would be the same thing.

Star Wars has been primarily a live action film franchise and that is why the comics have always lagged behind other keys in Marvel and DC of the same era. Yes, Star Wars #1 was first and is a key full of first appearances, but it’s not the primary way in which fans encountered the characters and thus the demand was less than say a key Spider-Man comic.

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Quickly, grab all the Avar Kriss! leave no Kylo unturned!

Why do they keep cutting away? Not ready to show the sizzle reels? Sizzle reels only for big money investors?

It’s similar to Superman there was a radio program that started in 1940 and made Superman known to the masses which would be the equivalent to tv or film today.

Those are two different shows ;-). But yes both live.

Absolutely positively no one:

Disney: Let’s make a new Willow show!

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Harrison Ford is like 90 years old

Harrison Ford comes back to kill off another one of his characters he tried to live down.

Can’t wait for Shia Labeouf to stab his father in Indie V.

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It is what it is…I can tell you this…my experiences at Star Wars Celebrations (3 of them), …with the exception of Carrie Fisher…no line was longer or more actively excited than the one for Ashley Eckstein/Ahsoka’s voice.
Ahsoka is here to stay.

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Rogue Squadron

You all know I have a crystal ball right


Time to bust out the old National Geographic mags and put em on eBay!

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Lol sweet

My son loves watching animals. And i love Weavers voice

It also has a lot to do with the fact that Star Wars collectors have always primarily been about action figure collecting. Comic books, trading cards, Pez, socks, anything else have always been second tier.

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Star Wars #60 first Rogue Squadron I believe.

78 but close enough. :wink:

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