eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

Adjusting prices to market value is not a dick move. Every seller does it. The guy is just butthurt for not buying it at $20.


:100: :100: :100: agreed
He should have bought it for $20 and skipped this morning’s Egg McMuffin


@Bill @monopolyjackson that is kind of the way I felt as well “should have bought it at $20” since I already had it marked on the low side i checked the price. But at the same time I kinda felt like a shop who checks the prices when you bring the back issues up.


I think a move like that is almost certain to evoke an emotional response.

Scenario 1: He knew the real fmv and thought he would push a great deal even further and then lost out. If that’s the case, he was trying to put one over on you.

Scenario 2: It was an ‘innocent’ buyer (not aware of fmv) and was just hoping to negotiate a couple of $ off and then felt completely done over.

Whether or not you think it was worthy of an emotional response probably comes down to:

  1. Whether it was the first or second scenario
  2. Your personal values.
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He is. And he has only his own greed to blame.

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I agree with this completely.

So has the mob mentality evolved on:

Shops that Re-Price at the Counter - Comics - COMICSHEATINGUP.NET Community Forum


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If you’re an a-hole for this than I am too bec I’ve done it. And I too would have of course honored the sale. Pretty standard and reasonable practice imo.

Not you, for sure. You have every right to adjust the price before the actual sale. It’s your book.

The dude is just acting out of immaturity because they were greedy and that greed cost them an opportunity. They were probably going to flip it anyway.

I know of sellers who canceled a sale because of an announcement immediately drove the price of the book to 2-3x they had it listed…and it was like minutes after the announcement. And then relisted for a higher price. It wasn’t me that bought it or owned it…but the dude was asking others whether they were in the right.

raked over the coals in the responses. But he went through with cancelling the sale anyway.

That’s an A-Hole.

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If I tried to low ball a shop because I thought they had a price already below market, and they looked it up to make sure it was a fair price and saw it sold for more…that’s on me, regardless of the outcome.

I have had the opportunity to do this and ALWAYS chose to keep a tight lip and just get the transaction done ASAP.

And then run out the door.

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He is…If I was searching for a book currently going for $50-75 and saw it at $20…$h1t…now way I would waste time or take a chance asking $15 for it.


That is the flip side. He made a lower offer on a book that was listed at $20 and missed the chance at buying it. There was an offer which I was in the right to refuse. I did not cancel the sale as there was no sale just an offer. Had he purchased it straight away I wouldn’t have checked the price. No harm no foul. But the offer came in so I checked FMV.

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I think what Anthony did was fine. It’s possible the buyer didn’t know it was underpriced, but it’s probable that they did. The buyer did have an opportunity to purchase at the original marked price without it changing.

Shops that automatically look up prices aren’t intending to give buyers a chance at the marked price. Does anyone bring stuff up to the counter and try to haggle on stuff they know is a good deal? That’s asking for it to blow up in your face.

Are we the a-holes if we see a book that is under market and buy it without a shop noticing?

What Anthony did was perfectly fine. I would have done the exact same thing.

That’s a valid difference from Anthony’s scenario.

No you’re not. Just like shops aren’t a-holes if they do notice.

Comics are commodities. The price will always ebb and flow.

Listed the book on eBay. Sold for $50 in about 3 hours. Buyer messaged me saying one sold at $75 rest were going for $50 and would I consider $50

Sold it. Messaged the other buyer (was on Mercari) told him it was listed at $69.99 on ebay (which it was) and that it sold in three hours. Maybe should have just bought it outright.


I’m going to use my powers as moderator and change your title to “Major A-Hole” now.

Hahahahah! :wink:

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Still says benevolent dictator.


I would message him thanking him for a lowball offer which brought to your attention the book was selling for more. Heck, send them a coupon for 5% off the new price to thank them.

It was me, trying to distract you so I could make my escape… I’m sorry sir, it won’t ever happen again! :wink:

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Here is why I don’t think you are the A-hole in this. The guy more than likely knew the comic was heating up and instead of getting a great deal by buying yours at yesterday’s fair market value he tried to cheap out, for what, five bucks? That’s on him. Everyone who has been on this site a while also knows you would have followed through with the sale had he bought it outright. You don’t pull those shenanigans such as canceling a sale after the fact because the book has gotten hot. You play a fair game. that buyer should have quit while he was ahead and bought the comic outright. He didn’t and missed his chance at a deal. that’s on him.

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