I Like What You Got! (Online Scores)

Microscopic particles that float and land on them… not wiping our asses with it… that’s only during dire times… :wink:

Skybound mystery box score


the latest or the black friday ones?

The holiday one.

My black friday ones were all a bust. (I broke even so for most mystery boxes I guess that could be a small win?)

Nice. My Black Friday ones were a bust so I skipped on these.

What’s even worse is when they have a pic of the back of the bagged and boarded comic. Proving it is indeed sealed. Or those idiots who lay there book out flat to get a Scan of the centerfold. Not a pic but put inside a printer and scanned.

That poor comic’s spine!

Hey all, I’ve mentioned before I do a weekly show called Comic Book Cannon every Friday. Because of the holidays, we are live tonight at 9pm ET/6pm PT. We have a segment called Fresh From the Comic Shop.

If you want us to share what you get today, tag us on Instagram @comicbookcannon with your fresh pickups. Have a great holidays all!

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Just picked up this small collection for $120 from Goodwill. Took a chance because these are the only pictures you get to see! Hopefully everything is in good shape or can be fixed up with a press

85327641893413CCer 69963791893413CCer 40859611893413CCer 74834381893413CCer 56007021893413CCer

If that Thor #2 is in great shape… That pays for everything + profit.


Does the Goodwill site sell comics often?

They always have auctions. The only time I’ve ever bid on anything is if it’s from the local outlet hub because I can go pick it up and not deal with shipping. Ive had two auctions of MTG and comics ship from different hubs and both were packed awful, and I had to go to my credit card company to get a refund because goodwill wouldn’t consider how they arrived damaged since they were in one piece and still readable.

After 6 months for $113 shipped from Mirka Andolfo’s store. So pleased :smiley:




I got 4 copies of Star Wars Adventures 7 from MileHighPrices in Colorado. I overpaid for them, but I wanted a stash before Hondo appears in live action some day.

On @Anthony 's recommendation, I grabbed this Mary Jane Venom cover. Who knows if Gwenom V. Carnage #1 will have any affect on it, but I like it enough to justify it.

I’ve been placing low bids on Star Wars Tales issues as they come up and forgetting about them for 7 days. This one came in at $2.99 plus shipping ($4ish dollars). So not far above original cover price.

Grabbed this exclusive virgin Star Wars Adventures Clone Wars Tales. Another low bid situation- $6.00 plus shipping. I would have been pissed if I were the seller, but they made good and delivered the sale.

Then, finally, I’ve been discussing Star Wars Galaxy Magazine with @gemcityassassin over in the Cheapish Star Wars Spec thread. Issue 1 contains a Dark Lords of the Sith ashcan with the first appearance of Exar Kun in it.

I have the rest of the 13 issue run coming in because as I said over in that thread:

"Another interesting tid bit I will let you in on about Star Wars Galaxy Magazine is that Boba Fett Twin Engines of Destruction is first published in that magazine starting in Issue #5, which also has a beautiful Hildebrandt cover. Twin Engines of Destruction hasn’t had hot magma heat on it or anything, but there is definitely rising interest in it as it’s an out of print Dark Horse Boba Fett story. It’s also the first appearance of Jodo Kast, a Boba Fett impostor.

The collected edition of Twin Engines of Destruction was published January 2007. Star Wars Galaxy Magazine was published in the late 90s. Other comics were first printed in Star Wars Galaxy including Shadow Stalker, Droids, and Tales of Mos Eisley."



This past weekend I found my second Star Wars Adventures #16 B cover as well as Star Wars Adventures #7. Both for a dollar each. They are out there!


What’s the draw with the Star Wars galaxy magazines polybagged after issue #1?

My lcs has several…just all issues 2 and up.

Got this online, came out to $12 , $6+ shipping . Not exactly sure what story is about it but saw it talked about by some cbsi guys and the ebay prices are pretty high

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My low cost haul. Easily dismissed by many & understandable. I’m a big Black Knight fan though. Good history issues though relative to the Ebony Blade. I buy any Black Knight book I find. Not only do I love the character, but from a spec perspective I’m all in. Eternals movie, Kit Harrington portraying him, love interest of Sersi. Recipe for success. The Mystic Arcana issue is really cool & not super easy to find.

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There’s an x-files ashcan in one of them. I think issue 3 but I could be wrong.

Other than that they usually just had Topps pack in cards and posters. Awesome expanded universe art though.

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