New Variant Ratios on TFAW

That would be a helluva surprise to receive…

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@RipCityGamer go ahead and crack open that order I have in “processing” since 10/21 and put whatever extra you have in there… to ease my pain and suffering… :wink:


Went From processing to cancelled. That’s a first.


Yikes!! That socks.


@RipCityGamer I didn’t say take from others orders to put in my orders… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll just tell CS if it happened to anyone else to specifically blame you.

I’m not sure why something would go from processing to cancel. All I could think is there possibly weren’t many copies (replacements) and one got sent to someone by accident so by the time the order got packed it was missing. But I have no idea and no one is working in the warehouse right now I could ask…


3 posts were split to a new topic: Good Sources for Previews New Ratio Variants

Here is the Medina 1:25 for death of doctor strange #4. Is this supposed to be the new sorcerer supreme?

Magik? Hhmmm some suggested/through out that idea.

isnt she a supreme in another dimension/universe already

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Wasn’t it a younger dr strange? lol

What If Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme will heat up if that’s what ends up happening. Dope Dekal cover and an action figure variant.


Doesn’t it seem unlikely they would spoil it over a month before release?

I mean didnt that basically happen with Echo becoming the phoenix host? like a month before that story wrapped up there was that heroes reborn cover with her that referenced her as the phoenix

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The book has already been going $20-$40 for a bit now.

And yes she was already and is currently the Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo.


What’s better - a “Dope” cover or a “Sick” cover?
Just want to make sure I’m buying the right books based on level of sickness or dopeness :roll_eyes:

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